SCALA Stage Systems & Services for Theatre & Opera Houses

Our solutions


High-end Stage Systems

Welcome to our world of mechanical, hydraulic, and electrical stage technology products, where innovation meets precision.

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Service & Maintenance

Contractual Services and Professional Maintenance

We ensure the safety, reliability and optimal performance of your stage system as well as to minimize downtime and disruptions.

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Facilitating Shows in Theatres and Opera Houses

We make sure the multiple dimensions of art have space for expression. Hard work and proficiency are behind every form of performance.

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Control system management and maintenance for NCPA

We were introduced to the delegation from the NCPA by BOSCH Rexroth in the Staatstheater Mainz. As with this theatre the management and maintenance of the SYB controls in the NCPA will also be transferred to SCALA. Fig. center left: Yu Xiao, NCPA Director of Technical Management Department, center right: Roelof Bakker, CEO of SCALA.



Combined expertise for more customer service

„No show without hydraulics.“ The magazine for hydraulics experts offers us the stage in its latest issue. In the lead article „Stage technology“, the advantages of the technology and our dedicated team are presented in detail.

Download Article [PDF]

Bosch Rexroth Partner

SCALA specializes in building high-end installations for theatres.

In short, SCALA takes care of all the movement in the theatre: decors that rise and fall, that turn or ride left and right onto the stage or rise from the floor, performers that fly through the air or shoot up from the floor.

SCALA has taken over the services and support of Bosch Rexroth high-end stage technology installations in famous Theaters and Opera houses, to start of with in Europe and Middle East. Currently we are in a smooth process of introduction by - and handing over from - the Bosch Rexroth Customer-Care-Team.

SCALA is serving these customers regarding their SIL3 control system SYB 2000, 2.5 und 3.0 – as well as their mechanical-, electrical- and hydraulic installations.


Partnering with other companies allows our customers to access a broader range of products, services, expertise, and market opportunities, resulting in enhanced solutions, increased value, and individual performances.

Any Questions? 

As an international supplier of stage technology with a very extensive portfolio of solutions and references, we are happy to support you in any capacity.


Roelof Bakker